The Tower: Cover & Blurb Reveal Day!

I can’t believe this day is actually here! I am SO EXCITED to share with you the cover & blurb for The Tower.  I have also uploaded the first few chapters of the book to the the preview page here on my website and on Wattpad.  I’d love it if you’d check them out and leave your feedback!

This book is now up for pre-order for 99 pennies!  Links to all platforms available here.



On our sixteenth birthdays, our kind is gifted with awesome powers. Except no, not really because this isn’t Narnia, or Hogwarts, or whatever other mythical realm where witches supposedly live. This is Elizabethtown, Illinois, and much to the chagrin of the local chapter of Susie-Homemakers, we live here.

All witches understand that the universe is a scary sort of powerful on a good day. On a bad day? Well, that’s when The Tower card shows its face during a reading. As summer draws to a close before the beginning of junior year, Rowyn Black is tired of seeing that card stare up at her from the table. Rowyn, Reed, and Rosalyn have made it through just about every dramatic storm their sarcasm could weather during their seventeen year friendship, and it would be nice to have a quiet semester. Rowyn hopes that the only thing The Tower foretells is the frightening sight of the school parking lot come the first day- full of more jacked-up trucks and cut off shorts than a Luke Bryan video. True to its nature, however, the universe doesn’t care much for hopes and wishes, and when the promise of The Tower comes crashing down, they might fall right along with it.

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Sign-Ups for The Tower Now Open!

ARC Sign Ups Photo.jpg

I can’t believe it’s actually time to start building an ARC list and scheduling promos for this book.  I thought it would never come.  If you are curious about this YA witchy contemporary, do check out the book trailer!  And then come back and click ***here*** to sign up for an ARC, a spot on the Blog Tour, or the Cover Reveal!  ARCS will be ready on or before May 1st, and the release date for this book is June 21st, because what other date would you release a witch book besides the summer solstice?  ❤ to all of you!

The Tower- FINALLY!


Friends… I am so flipping excited that I’ve finally come to the decision to release this book on my own.  June 21st to be exact, because when else would you release a witch book but on the Summer Solstice?  In the next month I will be hosting sign-ups for the cover reveal, blog tour, ARCs, and teasers, so do stay tuned and DO sign up for my newsletter (in the menu tab!)

This book is BuffyI meets Looking for Alaska, and I am very seriously giddy for you all to read it. Lemme know if you want your name down for cover reveal/ARC/interview/blog tour- whatever!  I’m doing it all :).

Happy reading y’all!



99 Cent Special & More!


When the Time Comes to Light a Fire is currently 99 cents on Kindle through Saturday!  Click here to purchase!

In other news!  I’ve decided to send out a quarterly newsletter to let my followers have advanced access to previews, cover reveals, giveaways, and ARC sign-ups.  I’ll only send out four per year, and I promise not to clog up your inbox!  Sign up below if you’d like to be included :). I will enter you into a giveaway for a Sprinkle Tote Bag for signing up! Winner drawn February 28th.


It’s hard for me to explain how I feel about the new editions of these books.  When I began writing fiction, it was more of a “let’s see if I can” endeavor.  It has turned into “let’s see if I can stop” – haha j/k, I already know the answer.  With the help of so many great instagrammers, bloggers, editors, friends, and family, (and also six novels later!) I knew it was time to revisit these books and make sure they were worthy of Courtney, Ethan, Vanessa, and Luke.  It has been a labor of love, but I couldn’t be happier about where these books stand right now.

If you’re a YA Contemporary fan, I would love for you to open your world for these stories.  All books are currently .99 to 2.99, and paperbacks are $10!  If you’re a blogger, please visit my Books for Bloggers link at the top to request review copies.  Thanks so much to all my readers- you make this writing gig so much fun.

Love and Doughnuts,


New Year… New Goals!

Happy New Year all!  I have to say that I am happy to put 2016 behind me and look ahead to the coming year.  Fun Fact:  2016 was a “9” year in numerology, which is a year for endings.  2017 is a “1” year, and is a great time for new beginnings.  With that in mind, I wanted to share some of my writing goals for the year!  I would love to hear your goals and how you’re going about achieving them, too.

  1.  Maintain my patience in the search for the right agent for The Tower, and keep my motivation through the inevitable pile of rejections.  I know that this book has the power to stay with readers as it has stayed with me.  Slow and steady.
  2. Remember to write!  After finishing The Tower and The Hanging Man, I got too caught up in editing and querying that I forgot how much my brain needs me to write.  Happily, I’m already on this one!
  3. Finish Where Gravel Roads Lead Home to complete the Gem City series.  That one hurts a bit, but I’m really excited to see where Luke’s book takes me.
  4. Get back into promoting more.  Again, I let it overtake me the first half of last year, and then I backed off.  I need to find that happy medium!

In other news, I stopped eating sugar, making me sort of half-human, half-ravenous-monster.  We’ll see how that works out for me.  Regardless of your goals, I hope you’re enjoying the new year so far!

What Comes of Breaking Promises and Guitar Strings


I could not be more excited about the re-release of the first books in the Gem City Series next month.  This book (and come on, that cover, right?!  My sister is a genius photographer) will contain Ethan’s POV covering the same timeline as What Comes of Eating Doughnuts With a Boy Who Plays Guitar, and the new edition of How One Attempts to Chase Gravity will contain the sequel to Ethan & Courtney’s stories in dual POV.

If you already read Gravity in its original release, then you have the whole story- though there are a few tidbits I was able to add back in now that Ethan’s story is broken in two (more Ben!)

Stay tuned for the re-release date in January.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on the new cover!  Find me on insta @nicolecampbellbooks

Happy Reading!

My Very Own Tarot Card


I had the great pleasure of working with an awesome bookstagrammer & artist- Arnild Aldepolla- to create this incredible card.  I want so badly to have an entire deck based on these characters, I can’t even tell you, but seeing this one has lifted my spirits so much.  I am done editing the book into a duology, I just have it out with a second round of betas.  Trying to celebrate every victory for this one, as I know it may be a very long road.  This book though?  It’s worth it.  I hope you enjoy the art!